Negative Infacts of Forestry Development
Muhammad Daud, S. Hut.
Since the government issued the regulations of Foreign Investment of 1/1967 and National Investment of 06/1968, tropical rain forest outside Java has attracted national and foreign private companies to invest their capital in forest harvesting activity. Private companies has large amount of economic shares that was used as initial capital of national development, although it also has caused serious damage of environmental and forest condition. In 1980, our government issued regulation to restricting log export and inquire the forest concession holder to build wood industries with special intense in plywood industry.
National development is aimed to improve people life quality. In one side, its implementation is facing some problems of high population rate and its growth, In the other hand natural recources are very limited. Implementation of development program and high population rate will create tensions to the natural recources. Natural recources utilization to improve people’s welfare and their life quality must be followed by its efforts to preserve environmental capability harmoniously and stable. It is required to maintain to sustainable development and must be implemented by integrated policy with respect to present and future generation needs.
Main aims forest management are implementation of forest based development and wise utilization of natural recources. Each development activity, from the early planning, must consider environmental characters canges due to new formation of environment conditions, either advantageous or indistinct ones.
Paradigm of forest function only to produce timber have caused deforestation and degradation of Indonesian forest increase significally. It have hampered of development forest function as support of living. We need to change this paradigm by optimizing forest product management through change of paradigm from timber management oriented to forest resources management so that forest management must consider ecological, economic, social, and environment aspects.
1. What the main problems in forestry development in this moment?
2. According to you, why deforestation and degradation of Indonesian forest increase significally?
3. Who mostly responsible to overcame the deforestation and degradation of Indonesian forest?
4. How to manage the forest so that it can support national development without give negative infacts to our live?
Shares : Saham
Intense : Kuat
Restricting : Membatasi
Inquire : Memberikan Wewenang
Tensions : Tekanan
Stable : Seimbang
Respect : Menghormati
Wise : Bijaksana
Indistinct : Tak jelas.
Paradigm : Paradigma, dasar pemikiran, pola
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