Kamis, 11 September 2008




Muh. Daud

Distributing of heavy metal dan hazardous gases in land, ground, territorial water or air can through many matters such as dismissal directly industrial disposal, solid waste, liquid waste, but can also through air because a lot of industry burning to handling its waste and throw away result of combustion into the air without through processing in advance. Many people of opinion that by burning hence the poisonous waste will lose, though in fact we only remove and propagate the the poisonous waste into the air. In this way is riskier contamination because air more dynamic so that impact resulted also will be more be wide and clear the air more difficult.

Metal is natural component of environment getting excessive attention because its effect to ground in number which progressively worse. Some the poisonous heavy metal for example As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn. In lately, danger that generated by heavy metal become environmental issue. Various danger waste in this time is yielded in human being activity, and generating problem at its handling

Human is creature that most be responsible to increase mobilization, transfer and accumulation of heavy metal in environment. Through various industrial activity, like industry of wood processing so that metal come into the atmosphere, territorial water and soil exceed the natural ability for the process it. Some negative impact which can be produced by environment contamination which is caused by metal waste such as the annoying of freshment and esthetics , goods damage, danger for health that is incidence disease, incidence cancer, and genetic disparity,threat for plant and animal, the annoying of life system like change of climate and temperature, material and energy cycle become broken, and loss food chains needed for certain species continuity.

Heavy Metal waste as Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn And Fe as result from of wood processing thrown to territorial water body, have contaminated the environment and river around till to down stream area. This matter need the serious handling, consideing that the heavy metal waste contamination can endanger the human health, such as those which happened in Japan that is case Minamata. This contamination can be overcome with the heavy metal arrest process at first dismissal area, to prevent the heavy metal to territorial water in river headwaters. Waste arrest conducted by through process biosorpsi by biomasa like hay, sea grass, water hyacinth, chaff of paddy. Method used to absorbsi heavy metal cation by wall of cell biomass from bunch karboksil, hydroxyl, sulfidril, amine and phosphate.

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